Introduction- Incidence Epidemiology Risk
[Speaker] 양필성/차의대
AF Causing HF Versus HF Causing AF: Can We Tell One from the Other
[Speaker] 김응주/고려의대
Optimal Management of the Patients with AF and HF: Anticoagulation and Antiarrhythmic Drugs
[Speaker] 최종일/고려의대
Optimal Management of the Patients with AF and HF: Beta-blocker Still Useful?
[Speaker] 박진주/서울의대
Role of AF Ablation in HF - AF Ablation vs. AV Node Ablation and CRT as Primary Therapy
[Speaker] 박형섭/계명의대
AF in HF: Ablate or Not?
[Speaker] 이상언/울산의대