Pacing Maneuvers for SVT Differentiation
[Speaker] 김성수/조선의대
Narrow QRS Tachycardia: ECG Differential Diagnosis
[Speaker] 천광진/강원의대
Wide QRS Tachycardia: ECG Differential Diagnosis
[Speaker] 김태훈/연세의대
EKG Localization of Idiopathic PVC/VT
[Speaker] 조민수/울산의대
RF Ablation Strategy of Papillary Muscle VT
[Speaker] 박예민/가천의대
RF Ablation Strategy of RVOT VT
[Speaker] 김유리/동국의대
RF Ablation Strategy of LVOT VT
[Speaker] 박경민/성균관의대
Radioablation for VT
[Speaker] 차명진/서울의대